About us

First Languages Australia is the national peak body working to ensure the strength of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. We support a network of language centres, community programs and industry partners covering the whole of Australia, and all of our efforts are designed to have both immediate and longstanding impact on the future of our languages.

First Languages Australia connects language communities, which are often isolated by vast distances, to share their knowledge, experiences, resources, and skills.

The organisation takes a leading role in targeting issues that impact our languages. It shares critical communication from language communities with government and key non-government agencies to bring about change. These changes impact the future strength of our languages – those spoken strongly today, the languages proudly being revived or those that haven’t been heard for many years.

Together with our network of language centres and programs, First Languages Australia is working toward a future where all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language communities have full command of their languages and can use them as much as they wish to.

Incorporated as a company limited by guarantee, First Languages Australia is advised by committee members who manage a range of specialised portfolios.

Management Committee

  • Karina Lester

    Karina Lester is an Anangu woman from Central Australia and a speaker of Yankunytjatjara language. She is the Aboriginal Language co/ manager for the Mobile Languages Unit in South Australia, working closely with regional and remote communities on a diverse range of projects and is also an Anangu Interpreter and Translator. Karina has had extensive experience with the media including work with the ABC and as a producer with Nganampa Wangka (Radio Adelaide).

  • Geoff Anderson

    Geoff came to understand the power of language when he found personal healing by coming to learn his language, Wiradjuri. He is now a powerful advocate within the schools and the whole Parkes community, helping to teach people of all ages. Geoff is a member of the Parkes Aboriginal Education Consultative Group and the Wiradjuri Council of Elders. 

  • Phillemon Mosby

    Phillemon Mosby is a Kulkakalgau Ya man from Poruma Island in the Central Torres Strait. For many years has been Councillor for Poruma (Coconut Is.) and he is currently Mayor of the Torres Strait Island Regional Council, and a Director of the Torres Strait Regional Authority. Phillemon is working with elders to revive their language and encourage it back into regular use.

  • Daryn McKenny

    Daryn McKenny has Gamilaraay and Wiradjuri heritage, though he was born and on raised in Awabakal country in the Newcastle area of NSW. Daryn is passionate about developing ways of using technology to empower Aboriginal people to be hands-on at all levels of language conservation. His organisation developed Miromaa and the "Our Languages" website and organises the biennial Puliima National Indigenous Language and Technology Conference. Daryn sits on a number of international committees as well as being focused on Awabakal language work at home.

  • Theresa Sainty

    Theresa Sainty is a Pakana woman. Theresa has worked extensively with the Tasmanian Department of Aboriginal Education Services where she co-developed and provided Aboriginal Cultural Awareness training, and produced a number of curriculum resources. She is an Aboriginal Linguistic Consultant for the Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation with the palawa kani Language Program. Theresa looks forward to hearing her language spoken more and more, and ultimately have more original place names formally acknowledged with dual names.

  • Jennifer Kniveton

    Jennifer was born and raised in Geraldton and plays an active leadership role in her community. Jennifer has many years of experience working in remote and rural Aboriginal communities, in the Midwest, Murchison, Gascoyne, Pilbara, West and East Kimberley. Her passion is working with her people and empowering the community, especially the younger generation, to take on a community leadership role to help shape their futures.

  • Bruce Pascoe

    Bruce Pascoe has published widely in both adult and young adult literature. He has won numerous awards, including the Children’s Book Council of Australia Eve Pownall Award for Young Dark Emu (Magabala Books 2019), New South Wales Premier’s Book of the Year Award in 2016 for Dark Emu (Magabala Books 2014) and the Prime Minister’s Literature Award for Young Adult fiction for Fog a Dox (Magabala Books 2012) in 2013. In 2018 Bruce was awarded the Australia Council Award for Lifetime Achievement in Literature. 

  • Dikul Baker

    Dikul Baker is a Yolŋu woman who speaks and translates Djambarrbuyngu and four additional Yolŋu languages. She is currently working with Aboriginal Resource and Development Services (ARDS) documenting Yolŋu languages, providing cross-cultural facilitation and translation, broadcasting with Yolŋu Radio and working on own language literacy activities. Dikul has travelled the world doing marathons while mentoring other young Yolngu women to build resilience, self-esteem and confidence, follow their dreams and identify and create career pathways.


  • Beau Williams – Chief Executive Officer

    Beau is a Murrawarri man with extensive experience in accounting, project management, procurement and contracting. Beau has worked in Indigenous affairs with the NSW state government, Australian Public Service and across the not for profit sector. He was previously the Deputy CEO of an Aboriginal community controlled health service. Beau has a Masters degree in Professional Accounting, Graduate Certificate in Human Services and Diploma in Government Contracting and Procurement.

  • Annalee Pope – Senior Advisor, Sector Strengthening

    Annalee is a Wakka Wakka woman who began working to revive and strengthen Aboriginal languages in 2013. Annalee is co-chair of the Directions Group for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages. Since 2016, she has managed First Languages Australia’s Priority Language Support and Young Champions projects. Annalee is skilled in language documentation, project management, language planning and resource production, and is using her skills and experience to guide and support young language workers.

  • Kaleesha Morris – Senior Advisor, Policy

    Kaleesha is a Gumbaynggirr, Dunghutti and Kulkalgal woman who has experience with First Nations communities across Australia, Hawai’i, India, the Philippines and America. Kaleesha has experience in law and policy, language revitalisation, strategy and governance, environmental management and cultural education. In her policy position with FLA, Kaleesha is working with Beau Williams on the National Languages Policy Partnership.

  • Philip Winzer - Policy Advisor

    Philip is a Ngarabul and Wirrayaraay Murri with a longstanding passion for language and cultural revitalisation and a background in community organising and campaigning to protect the rights of community and Country. Having been working to revive, learn and teach Ngarabul language for over a decade, Philip understands the effort, commitment and engagement required to increase the number of language speakers. Philip has joined the FLA team as a Policy Advisor to the Languages Policy Partnership.

  • Alexandra Hohoi – Senior Advisor, Data

    Alex is a Meriam woman from the eastern Islands of the Torres Strait, raised in Far North Queensland. She is an experienced Indigenous data policy advisor and has worked with and for communities across the country, striving for self-determination. She is passionate about Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Indigenous Data Governance. Alex will be working with Beau Williams on language data repatriation and narrative.

  • Mollie O'Connor - Policy Advisor, Legislation

    Mollie is a Quandamooka woman who is passionate about using the law to protect and uphold the rights of First Nations peoples. Mollie previously worked as a lawyer in environmental law and cultural heritage, where she gained valuable experience in policy and law reform. Mollie has joined will be working on strengthening the languages sector. 

  • Carolyn Barker – Senior Advisor, Policy

    Carolyn has worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language organisations since 2001, facilitating community research projects and the design of tools to support language activities. Carolyn currently manages First Languages Australia’s education, place names and media partnerships.

  • Ella Woods - Senior Program Officer

    Ella Woods has joined FLA to work on the First Nations Languages Education Program. She brings with her career experience in leadership, business management and finance, and is passionate about supporting language communities to design and deliver projects that support their aspirations. Ella’s family are Kombumerri and Mununjali people from the Yugambeh language region.

  • Jillian Bowie - Senior Program Officer

    Jillian is a Samsep and Zagareb woman from the islands of Erub and Mer in the Kemer Kemer Meriam Nation of Zenadth Kes (Torres Strait). Jillian delivers a wealth of experience in the employment and training sector, mentoring and coaching, and community projects development. Jillian is a writer, published author, and influencer who uses her craft and creativity to inspire and empower First Nations people. Jillian is part of the First Nations Languages Education Program team.

  • Jessica Tapp – Communications and Engagement Manager

    Jessica is a Biripi and Worimi woman with more than 20 years’ experience as a multimedia journalist and producer, and a senior communications, engagement and media manager in government and not-for-profit sectors in New South Wales, Victoria and the Northern Territory. Jessica is passionate about the growth of her language, Gathang, and about amplifying the voices and efforts of communities across the continent who are working to strengthen their languages.

  • Annette Hubber - Operations Manager

    Annette brings more than 30 years of industry experience to the Operations Manager role, with a strong focus on the film sector, event and business management and operations management in a language centre. Her extensive background will ensure the smooth functioning of First Languages Australia's activities, including strategic planning, team leadership and project management.

  • Arna Walker - Accountant

    Arna has been involved with finance and accounting for 25 years in the private, NFP and government sectors. Arna recently moved to Newcastle after 12 years in Canberra and is based in the Newcastle office as the accountant.

  • Suzy Moffitt - Executive Coordinator

    Suzy joined FLA in 2018 and is responsible for coordinating travel arrangements for all team members. She also supports event planning and works closely with the FLA CEO and Management Committee to ensure their meeting needs are fully met.

  • Breanna Edman – Senior Administration Officer

    Breanna has worked in administration across various private and not for profit sectors for over 18 years. Breanna is based at our Newcastle Office as the Part Time Senior Administration Officer.

  • Amy Fletcher - Administration Officer

    Amy is a Ngemba/Ngiyampaa woman, living on Darkinjung Country, NSW. She has experience in administration, events coordination, and team and program management within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled health sector. Amy is passionate about using her skills and experience for the advocacy and celebration of Blak excellence and self-determination for communities and all First Nations peoples.