National Indigenous Languages Collection Strategy
Download the National Indigenous Collections Strategy (3Mb)
Download the 2018 Collections Management Meeting Notes (1.3Mb)
Connecting communities to collected words.
The Australian First Languages Collections Strategy 2013 is an historic effort to uncover and share the linguistic treasures of the first languages of Australia held within our collecting institutions.
Initiated in 2010, the goals of the strategy are to coordinate awareness and management of the wealth of materials held in collections that relate to Aboriginal languages and Torres Strait Islander languages.
Key elements of the project are:
the identification of language materials
communication between institutions about materials held
coordinating digitisation between institutions
exploring the best options for archiving of materials
making materials accessible for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members
supporting the creation of a ‘one-stop’ portal for access to first language materials.
This strategy addresses key points contained in the National Indigenous Languages Policy, which notes the role of national collecting institutions in preserving and making accessible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages materials.
The overarching recommendations are:
auditing and identification of resources
access to collections
Indigenous knowledge
growing collections.
The report outlines the history of this strategy document and the associated forums that lead to it. The movement toward a strategy is detailed under the headings:
Institutional policy
‘Audit, discover, locate’
Information sharing
Since the initial discussions, national, state and territory libraries have stepped up to the challenges identified. In 2015, the strategy was adopted by National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA), a leading library sector collaboration and the peak body for libraries in Australia and New Zealand.
“Language is the expression of our culture and our land. We cannot have one without the other. We cannot describe our culture and our land if we do not have language.”
Joy Bonner, Queensland Indigenous Languages Advisory Committee (QILAC)
by Phyllis Thomas
120x90cm, Natural ochre and pigment on linen
Copyright Phyllis Thomas
Licensed by Warmun Art Centre