Resources and Projects for Families and Communities
The following projects and resources have been designed to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities in their language revival efforts.
Language custodians are invited to make use of the resources listed below and get involved in the following projects.
Jarrak: Our languages journey
Junyirri: Community language planning
Wandan: First Language Collections Portal
Warra: Building teams, building resources
Yakilla: Training Tracks
Yaale: Tools for language work
Common sounds in Aboriginal languages
Legal Resources for Language Programs
Notes to assist reporting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages
Angkety map: Digital Resources Report
Introductory videos for language workers
Winhangarra: First Languages Education Portal
Gakal: First languages skills register
Teaching and learning with pictures
Check your language listing
Join our network of young language champions
Priority Languages Support Project. Documentation support for languages that do not currently have an activity or program
Work with the ABC to share place names across your region
Nagun Wruk: Our earth. Work with authorities to promote traditional place names in your region
Share your language through primary schools and early childhood centres
Education initatives
Record language stories and station IDs with the ABC
Add stories about your Language Legends to this collection
Add contacts for your language program
Share a selection of your words with the public