International Decade of Indigenous Languages
The International Decade of Indigenous Languages Directions Group (Directions Group) on Kaurna Country (Adelaide, South Australia).
The United Nations General Assembly (Resolution A/RES/74/135) proclaimed the period between 2022 and 2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032), to draw global attention on the critical situation of many indigenous languages and to mobilise stakeholders and resources for their preservation, revitalization and promotion.
The proclamation of an International Decade is a key outcome of the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, for which the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) lead global efforts. The Organization will continue to serve as lead UN Agency for the implementation of the International Decade, in cooperation with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and other relevant UN Agencies.
The International Decade aims at ensuring indigenous peoples’ right to preserve, revitalise and promote their languages, and mainstreaming linguistic diversity and multilingualism aspects into the sustainable development efforts. It offers a unique opportunity to collaborate in the areas of policy development and stimulate a global dialogue in a true spirit of multi-stakeholder engagement, and to take necessary steps for the usage, preservation, revitalisation and promotion of indigenous languages around the world.
In line with the objectives of the International Decade, UNESCO has developed an online platform of the IDIL 2022-2032 which aims to build a global community for indigenous languages, facilitate information-sharing on activities and events organised all over the world, promote relevant resources and tools, report and monitor progress made, and create new opportunities for exchange and dialogue among a wide network of stakeholders.
First Languages Australia is one of the three Pacific representatives on The Global Task Force for Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages. The task forced worked to develop The Global Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages which aims to ensure international cooperation among stakeholders. It provides a strategic framework, outlines major actions and guidelines on implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities for UN-system entities, national governments, indigenous peoples’ organisations, civil society, academia, the private sector and other actors.
At home, First Languages Australia continues our work toward national policy and legislation for our languages, along with an increase in support for our languages to bring them in line with per capita investment in New Zealand or Spain.
We are also working in partnership with the Australian Government and Indigenous language experts throughout the nation to set the agenda for the International Decade through the establishment of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages Directions Group. The group has agreed on a vision statement and a set of values that will guide its work moving forward.
Directions group members include Beau Williams (Co-Chair), Annalee Pope (Co-Chair), Phillemon Mosby, Denise Smith-Ali, Desmond Crump, Vicki Couzens, Jillian Mundy, Clayton Cruse, Daryn McKenny, Shania Armstrong, Gawura Wanambi, Joyce Bonner and Lorraine Injie.
The Directions Group have released the following documents.
Throughout the Decade, First Languages Australia will be pleased to continue and extend our work in promoting community language programs, events activities and partnerships. Contact us to share your stories.
Australia’s International Decade of Indigenous Languages Directions Group’s first meeting in May 2022.
Pictured left to right: Phillemon Mosby, Denise Smith-Ali, Vicki Couzens, Jillian Mundy, Daryn McKenny, Shania Armstrong, Annalee Pope, Gawura Wanambi, Joyce Bonner, Beau Williams