Puliima 2017
The Puliima National Indigenous Languages and Technology Forum was once again a great success. Among the inspiring presentations and workshops, First Languages Australia hosted these panel sessions:
▪Our Young Champions
▪From little things, big things grow: Working with partners - First Languages Australia and the ABC
▪Language activities and wellbeing – What are the links?
▪The National Placenames Project. A presentation by Bruce Pascoe
It was fantastic to see so many faces old and new, to learn of the new projects underway, and hear of the success of those long-term activities which continue to grow from their solid foundation.
Puliima was also an opportunity for First Languages Australia to record more ‘language legends’ for Gambay, the languages map. Eighty new profiles will be added to the map in the coming weeks.
Our Young Champions. Photo: Katherine Soutar
The National Placenames Project. Photo: Katherine Soutar
First Languages Australia and the ABC. Photo: Katherine Soutar
Languages and wellbeing