Priority Languages Support Project Expression of Interest 

The Priority Languages Support Project is open to expressions of interest. The program aims to support critically endangered languages with no language revival activity. Projects can include the following activities:
* Support community language teams to document speakers of the target language.
* Support community language lessons considered vital to achieving the project's outcomes and where they are not available through any other activity.
* Support the development of teaching and learning resources, considered crucial to the ongoing revival of the target language, for community use.

Marri Tjevin Priority Languages Support Project. Credit: Gregor Renwick.

Marri Tjevin Priority Languages Support Project. Credit: Gregor Renwick.

Marri Tjevin Priority Languages Support Project. Credit: Gregor Renwick.

Marri Tjevin Priority Languages Support Project. Credit: Gregor Renwick.


Free legal services for language centres continues


Language Digital Activism Workshops for Oceania