Languages and Wellbeing – What are the links?

In August, a small group of language workers and researchers gathered in Melbourne to explore ways of documenting evidence of the positive associations between first language activities and wellbeing. A summary of the meeting can be found here.

As part of our effort to highlight evidence of the benefits of language activities, First Languages Australia is partnering with the researchers leading the Mayi Kuwayu - the National Study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing.

Mayi Kuwayu is a national survey that will ask what culture means to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and to create an understanding of how culture affects health and wellbeing. Language is one component of the study and First Languages Australia will work with the Australian National University research team to help analyse the language data collected and to share the findings.

Mayi Kuwayu has been created by and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and is the first national study of its type. Through a survey the research team will ask a large number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about their culture and wellbeing. As a longitudinal study, they will ask people to take the same survey every few years so that they can understand what changes over time. It will provide an evidence base to encourage the creation of better policies and programs.

For the study to be successful, they need as many people as possible to participate. The survey will be mailed out in February 2018, followed by a larger round in June 2018.

Please help spread the word and keep an eye out for the survey when it reaches you. The more people who participate, the stronger the story that can be told about the importance of our languages to health and wellbeing.

Wellbeing meeting attendees


Indigenous Language Song Competition 2017


Memorandum of Understanding signed with AIATSIS