Industrial Guidelines for Employees Delivering First Nations Language and Cultural Education Programs

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For many years, the employment of language educators in school systems has been a keenly followed topic on the agenda of national language meetings. 

Language educators experience radical inconsistencies in working conditions, lack of security and equitable pay rates, and unsupportive work environments, among the other challenges inherent to developing, delivering and assessing language learning. Sadly, these problems have too often led to well-established teaching programs closing down and seen skilled and motivated educators leave their calling. 

To find solutions to these problems, since 2020, First Languages Australia has been working with a team of dedicated colleagues from Queensland, including language activists, educators and union representatives who are now proud to announce the launch of the Industrial Guidelines for Employees Delivering First Nations Language and Cultural Education Programs.

First Languages Australia’s plan is that these Guidelines will set the footprint to be adapted for all states and territories.   

We want to thank those who committed their time, resources and energy to work with us: The Independent Education Union - Queensland and Northern Territory, Queensland Indigenous Languages Advisory Committee, Queensland Teachers Union, Together, United Workers, Brisbane Catholic Education, Independent Schools Queensland, Education Queensland, our many Elders and community language teachers and all of you in the community programs building the knowledge to make the teaching possible. 

The Guidelines address the fundamental issues of pay rates and working conditions as well as many other points necessary for developing strong community-based language teaching programs. We hope that you find plenty of information here that is relevant and useful for your community.  

These Guidelines do not claim to have addressed every issue for all communities. We look forward to your feedback and ideas as all aspects of language and cultural education continue their strong growth into the future. 

The Guidelines have been developed as part Yalbilinya: National First Languages Education Project (2019-2023), and should be read in conjunction with Yalbilinya: National First Languages Education Workforce Strategy (2023).

The following support documents can also assist in developing position descriptions.

A Guide to Developing Position Descriptions 

Position description example

Cover artwork by Tully Burton, winner of IEU-QNT Excellence in Art Design Awards 2021 Indigenous Art category.