Resources and Projects for Young Champions
The following projects and resources may be useful to young language champions in supporting your community language activities.
Warra: First Languages Youth Forum
Identify professional learning opportunities
Find language resources in the archives
A tool for planning projects to help you reach your goals
Template contracts and agreements
Yaale: Tools for language work
A guide to help with resource production
Common sounds in Aboriginal languages
Introductory videos for language documentation
A knowledge bank of advocacy and milestone since the 1970s
Notes to assist reporting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages
Things to consider when making digital resources
Winhangarra: First Languages Education Portal
Gakal: First languages skills register
Teaching and learning with pictures
Join our national network of Young Champions
Coronavirus help
Check the representation of your language on Gambay and share your stories
Yalbilinya: National First Languages Education Project
Work with the ABC to share place stories from your region
Share language stories and station IDs on the radio
Share your language through primary schools and early learning centres
Share information about the tools you find useful with other language workers
Record stories with you Language Legends to add to the collection
Work with government naming agencies to better represent the places in your region
Education initatives
Priority Languages Support Project
Provide a selection of words for public access
Documenting the links between language activities and wellbeing
Promote your activities throughout the International Decade