ABC Staff Secondment Program (pilot)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language centres are invited to apply for an ABC staff member to be seconded to their organisation, to assist your organisation with a specific project/program.
The secondment program is designed to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language organisations, to deepen ABC relationships with Indigenous communities, and build ABC staff cultural awareness.
Complete the Expression of Interest form.
Ethel Munn recording with Solua Middleton ABC
ABC will provide:
· Work with host organisation to find a suitable candidate to do secondment.
· $3000 to Host organisation, to cover additional secondee costs (eg. Extra desk/ chair/ internet/ transport.)
· Pay ABC staff secondee wage, travel allowance, accommodation, travel to and from secondment location.
Host organisation needs to provide:
· Supervising manager for the ABC secondee.
· Orientation day that includes local cultural awareness training.
· Wrap up day at end of secondment including debrief/ feedback.
· Workspace and transport during working time for work tasks.
For more information please contact:
ABC: Ryan Parry,, 0405 933 064
First Languages Australia: Carolyn Barker,, 0431 224 923