First languages industry skills registry

As part of our ongoing work in the area of training and career development for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working in language programs, we are interested in creating a registry of people currently engaged in this work. This will cover all roles from language experts to administration, research and project managers and will include volunteers, contractors, part and full-time employees.

The aim of the registry is to help us provide support for people in whatever role they fill - through targeted information services, training opportunities and the chance to meet and share with others working in a similar role. The registry could also potentially be a way to connect language centres with employees holding specialised skills and interests. We are also keen to hear about any new skills or training you would like to access if the opportunity comes about. The public register will be launched in mid 2021.

Language program staff and collaborators can contribute their details here via this online survey.


Arts Law resources for language centres


Illustration of Practice for the Framework of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages