Resources and Projects for Language Centres
The following national projects and resources have been designed to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages centres and projects in your ongoing work to see the languages of your regions strongly spoken into the future.
Language centres are invited to make use of the resources listed below and contact First Languages Australia any time to get involved in the national projects or to talk about any needs and opportunities that arise in your region.
Resources to support language teaching and teachers
A tool for planning projects to help you reach your goals
Industrial Guidelines for Employees Delivering First Nations Language and Cultural Education Programs
Teaching and learning with pictures
A resource to help with digital project evaluation
Wandan: First Language Collections Portal
Things to think about when making language resources
Professional learning opportunities
Yaale: Tools for language work
Gakal: First languages skills register
Introductory videos about language documentation
Template contracts and agreements
Common sounds in Aboriginal languages
Nintiringanyi: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Language Teaching and Employment Strategy
Global Lessons: Indigenous languages and multilingualism in school programs
Notes to assist the media when talking about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages
Things to consider before making digital resources
Ideas to share with local Councils
Coronavirus Help
Research, tools and strategies to boost Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages education (2019-2022)
Documentation support for languages that do not currently have an activity or program
Working with authorities to promote place names across your region
Work with the ABC to share place stories across your region
Check the representation of your region and add media to showcase your languages
Connect your Young Champions with the national network
Work with the ABC to record station IDs and radio stories for your languages
Indigenous language activities and wellbeing
Add stories about your Language Legends to this collection
Education Initiatives
Check your contact details on this map of language programs
Make a selection of words from the languages in your region available for public access
Add important milestones in your language journey to the national timeline
Share this song activity with primary schools and early childhood centres near you
Share information about the tools you find useful with language workers nationally
National Indigenous Languages Collection Strategy
Promoting Australia's first languages
Promote your activities through the International Decade