Positions available with First Languages Australia
First Languages Australia are recruiting.
West Kimberley Languages Workshop
Annalee Little and Jennifer Kniveton attended the West Kimberley Language Workshop in June.
Torres Strait Islander Language Symposium
Beau Williams, Annalee Little and Jillian Bowie travelled to Thursday Island for the Torres Strait Islander Language Symposium which was held in June.
The Revised Australian Curriculum: Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages
In May, the Revised Australian Curriculum: Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages was released.
Language Policy Partnership secretariat planning
The secretariat met in person for the first time in March for a two-day reflection and planning session.
Industrial Guidelines for Employees Delivering First Nations Language Programs
In March, First Languages Australia, the Queensland Indigenous Languages Advisory Committee (QILAC) and the Independent Education Union – Qld & NT Branch (IEU-QNT) Yubbah Action Group released Industrial Guidelines for Employees Delivering First Nations Language Programs. They are available from the resource section of our website.
Victorian Aboriginal Language Teachers Association Forum
First Languages Australia was pleased to be invited to present at the second Victorian Aboriginal Teachers Alliance (VALTA) forum in Naarm, in February.
Have your say!
The National Languages Policy Partnership invites Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have their say on the LPP’s identified national priority areas to achieve Target 16 of Closing the Gap.
ABC Acknowledgement of Country Poster Competition 2023
ABC Education and First Languages Australia partnered to run an Acknowledgement of Country poster competition for a second year.
Murrayarra: Evaluation toolkit
Through 2022, First Languages Australia joined with human-computer interaction researchers at the Australian National University and Charles Darwin University on a small research project to identify how language communities evaluate the technologies they develop to support language activities.
Voices of Country: Australia’s National Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages
Voices of Country—Australia's Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022–2032 provides a framework to guide Australia's participation in the International Decade.
Jintangka marlpa jungu nyinanjaku: What is bilingual education?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have always been multilingual, using more than one language to communicate with different groups for different purposes and contexts.
Yalbilinya: National First Languages Education Workforce Strategy
Yalbilinya: National First Languages Education Workforce Strategy is the final outcome of the three-year Yalbilinya: National Indigenous Languages Education Project collaboration.
Australian launch of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages
The United Nations General Assembly has declared the period between 2022 and 2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL) to draw attention to the critical status of many Indigenous languages across the world and encourage action.
Place Names Protocols Workshop
In October, the Central Queensland Language Centre (CQLC), First Languages Australia and Queensland Department of Resources met to workshop community protocols for including Taribelang, Gurang and Goreng Goreng place names in the Queensland government database.
Third meeting of the Language Policy Partnership
On October 10-11, the third National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Policy Partnership (LPP) meeting was held in the homelands of the Yawuru people in Rubibi (Broome).
Review of the Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages
Your feedback is invited on proposed revisions to the Australian Curriculum: Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages.
Save these dates - language centre information sessions
First Languages Australia proposes to host facilitated discussions on the third Wednesday of each month.