Collection management research project
First Languages Australia is collaborating with universities on a two-year research project looking at the long-term stability of language collections.
AIATSIS collections news
Ngunnawal language activist Dr Caroline Hughes is the new Executive Director, AIATSIS Collection Services Group.
Presentation at the Australian Languages Workshop
Annalee Pope and Beau Williams attended the recent Australian Languages Workshop at Goompi on Terangeri/Minjerribah.
Working toward a First Languages Education Workforce Strategy
We are in the final months of Yalbilinya: National First Languages Education Project funded by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment.
AIATSIS conference presentation on place names
Melinda Holden, Beau Williams and Carolyn Barker attended the 2022 AIATSIS Summit to present on our work to encourage the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander place names.
Directions Group for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages
First Languages Australia is working in partnership with the Australian Government and Indigenous language experts across the nation to set an agenda for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.
CEO Beau Williams begins to meet with language centre and program staff
Through the past six months, Beau Williams has been busy meeting the managers and staff of language centres both virtually and in person, including: Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages, Kimberley Language Resource Centre, ARDS Aboriginal Corporation, Central Queensland Language Centre, South-East Queensland Language Centre, Murdi Paaki Language Hub, Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Co-operative, the Mobile Language Team, Far West Language Centre, Miromaa Aboriginal Language and Technology Centre and Wangka Maya Pilbara Language Centre.
First Languages Australia’s Management Committee meet in person for the first time since 2019
irst Languages Australia’s management committee relished the opportunity to meet in person for the first time since the launch of Jarrak: Our languages Journey in December 2019.
First Languages Youth Forum
First Languages Australia is excited to be hosting a Youth Forum in Adelaide on 22 and 23 November 2022.
Partnership with the Coalition of Peaks
First Languages Australia is continuing our discussions with the Coalition of Peaks toward membership of the Coalition.
Want to study Languages and Linguistics?
The Bachelor of Arts (Languages and Linguistics) provides students with the necessary skills and tools to carry out language work in a wide range of contexts and domains.
Language revitalisation winter school
The University of Queensland’s School of Languages and Cultures is developing a learning program for Indigenous people working to reactivate their languages.
ABC Education Language Competition
This year, First Language Australia’s competition with ABC Education is about Acknowledgement of Country.
Yuuingan Dhilla Yari
In March, First Languages Australia was delighted to attend Yuuingan Dhilla Yari, the Queensland Indigenous Languages Forum hosted by the State Library of Queensland.
Endangered Languages Project - Language revitalisation directory
In addition to adding your details to First Languages Australia's skills register for individuals ( and the language centres and programs map, our international partners at the Endangered Language Project are inviting language revitalisation projects to share their work through the international Revitalisation Directory which will be launched later this year.
Send us your updates for Gambay
In the coming weeks, new content will be added to Gambay: First Languages Map.
Translate the Uluru Statement from the Heart
Pat Anderson and the Uluru Statement from the Heart team are working with community language teams to translate the statement into as many languages as possible.
Snapchat Collaboration
In celebration of International Mother Language Day, on the 21st of February, First Languages Australia and Snapchat launched the 'Australian Indigenous Language Lens' - a filter available for use in the Snapchat app.
Beau Williams, First Languages Australia's new CEO
Biderah Tduringar. My name is Beau Williams and I am the new CEO of First Languages Australia.
It is the International Decade of Indigenous Languages!
The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2022-2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.